

Just like us people there are birds who make great pets and then there are those who remain untamed, they are best described by what  Stephen king said  “Some birds are not meant to be caged, that’s all. Their feathers are too bright, their songs too sweet and wild. So you let them go, or when you open the cage to feed them they somehow fly out past you. And the part of you that knows it was wrong to imprison them in the first place rejoices, but still, the place where you live is that much more drab and empty for their departure.”

Photo Credit: Ashutosh Khandkar http://www.flickr.com/photos/99126239@N04/

Pleasure of Pain


Every evening she lit the lamp that hung on the Palash tree, so he wouldn’t get lost on his way back home. The tree was dead now like the look in her eyes. They had both been alive and blooming once. That was before he went away, leaving behind only a promise of return. The tree had given up after waiting for what seemed like forever. She was stubborn, she could wait for another eternity and beyond for him. The pain of the wait made her feel alive. She found pleasure in the pain.

Photo credit: Harshad Sharma http://www.harshadsharma.com

I Fly!


I fly over the clouds, where angels dwell, chase sun rays around filling my pockets with star dust. Soar above the mountains of the sky, leaving footprints on them. My lungs swell with the freedom I breathe, eyes glitter with stars as I leave the earth behind. I sail around the oceans of the air, with my wings spread wide. I feel one with the skies and all these magical things, I am in love with the wind beneath my wings!

Photo Credit: Kunal Uppal https://www.facebook.com/kunaluppal23?fref=ts

Sun Kissed


It was that time of the day when the wind settled down after a whole day of work. The ruckus on the trees stopped. The leaves whispered to each other in soft voices. The sun became calmer with every step towards his beloved earth. The borders of horizon dissolved in his aura. It was time for him to leave her, with a promise of being back the next day. She believed him, he never faltered. One more time he kissed her good night. The sun kissed earth blushed scarlet.

Photo credit: Ashutosh Khandkar http://www.flickr.com/photos/99126239@N04/

Half Empty


He stood in a familiar place, feeling like a stranger. An unknown void surrounded him. It made him angry and sad at the same time. He was hurting in places he did not know existed in his chest. Her things pricked his eyes from every corner. They were all there, but she wasn’t. It made him feel just like her last mug of coffee that sat on the window sill, waiting for her to return.. half empty.

Photo Credit: Harshad Sharma http://www.harshadsharma.com


vigila copy

No one knew who he was, or why his statue was there. He had been standing there and watching over the city silently for hundreds of years. His face had become one with the stone he was carved into. He was a saint for some, a fallen angel for others. No one knew when he had lived or how he had died. Man or god he was slowly losing the battle against nature. The death of his statue inevitable..until one day a photographer from half way across the world captured him through his lens. He is now immortal.

Photo Credit: Ashutosh Khandkar http://www.flickr.com/photos/99126239@N04/

Through the Viewfinder


He was trying to capture the St. Paul’s Cathedral in his camera, when he saw her for the first time. She was stubbornly in the frame, dressed in a black dress, her hair fell carelessly to her shoulder. Unaware of what she was doing, she walked towards him busy reading a book, holding it in one hand and a coffee in the other. He couldn’t help but notice the emotions that crossed her face as she read. He could have moved out of her way but would have stopped clicking, so he didn’t. Sorry! she had said in a husky voice  just before she bumped into him. He did not get a single picture of the place without her that day.
Incidentally, St Paul’s Cathedral was also the place where he saw her for the last time. He had told her how much he wanted her to be his wife, while they stood outside the oldest beauty spot on the London skyline. They had been together for a few months before he had decided to say it. She had explained to him, while she held his hand tight that they wanted different things from life. She wanted to travel, see the world, climb the highest mountain, dive at the deepest part of the ocean. Even with sorrow blurring his thoughts he had promised he would wait for her to come back home. He knew she would..some day.
He never went back to the cathedral.

He was staring intently at a postcard while the phone interrupted his thoughts. He had a wall full of them from all around the world. Each one took her a little further away. He had smiled at what was written and answered the phone.

A very peppy voice had greeted him, then gone on to tell him how one of the pictures he had clicked was being featured in a photography magazine.
He had met her outside “The Gherkin”. She was holding a camera in her hand while the sling was across her shoulder. Hair pulled back in a pony and eyes hid behind geeky glassed, she had begun her interview. She spoke excitedly about how she was a fan. She told him how she hated that such a beautiful building had such a vegetative name. She had also told him, she loved how he captured moments. You make buildings talk, she had told him with a twinkle in her eye. He had listened to her talk while giving a monosyllabic reply every now and then.
That went on to become a habit. She always spoke a lot when they met, he always listened with, now with a smile on his face. He loved her zest and enthusiasm towards every little thing in life. He was surprised at the small things that made her laugh. She was as excited to see a flower blooming by the doorstep as she was while they saw view from platform at the gherkin together. She had dragged him all the way up once in the middle of a very rainy day to tell him how much she liked him.

He was standing at the Waterloo bridge when he got her email. I am coming back home, it read. It did not feel like he had thought it would, even after waiting for it for ten years.
He picked up his camera and looked through the view finder. It always gave him perspective. The whole of the London skyline lay in front of him. One one side stood history in all its grandeur, which he loved, on the other a modern marvel that gave him glory.  He took a shot with mixed emotions..of the St. Paul’s Cathedral and The Gherkin looking each other.

Photo credit: Ashutosh Khandkar http://www.flickr.com/photos/99126239@N04/