Book Review: Untold Lies. Storyoems – When Stories Become Poems




Author: Raga Olga D’silva
Publisher: Embassy Books
Genre: Non fiction/ Poetry
Pages: 234

I picked up this book soon as it came out, because I have waited for it to be released for a long time. The author Raga Olga D’Silva is a very dear friend. The connection we share is one of stories, some fictional, some real, some told and a whole lot untold.

Untold Lies is an act of courage.
It’s not just the story of coming out, its one of shattering all the boxes that the world puts you in and wants you to stay confined within. Raga spells out pain and heartbreak with honesty topped with integrity. You feel is oozing through her words. She breaks you down and then heals you with the story.
The idea of storyems is unique to being with. When a story seamlessly transitions into a poem it completes it, in ways we didn’t know even existed. The unison is magical.

Raga’s emotional journey through the thick of judgements and the feeling of being unloved leaves you with a heavy heart and yet somehow gives you hope. The irony is delicious.

For anyone looking at a story that warms your insides like a hug from a friend, this book is a must read.

Rating: 3.5/5



She had called on her best friend to discuss a man she couldn’t get over. “An unnatural craving” she called him. “I know a thing or two about those” he said stealing a glance. “It kills you for the things you desire, but craving for something you know you can never have, destroys you slowly”

Friends Forever

Family isn’t always blood. It’s the people in your life who want you in theirs. The ones who accept you for who you are. The ones who would do anything to see you smile, and who love you no matter what.
The meaning of friendship or what friendship means to you is one the hardest thing to explain or learn. But if you haven’t learned the meaning of friendship, you really haven’t learned anything. The glory of friendship is the inspiration that comes when you discover that someone else believes in you and is willing to trust you. When someone stands by you, without asking a single question. When conversations without words make more sense than the ones with words in them. When you don’t care about the world walking out just because that one person walks in. The only way of having a best friend in life is by being one.
Some people come into our lives and quickly go. Some stay for a while, leave footprints on our souls, and we are never, ever the same. Those that go from having a small place in your heart, to owning a part of it. Those that make forever worth it.



Almost everyone who looks at us together thinks we are twins, almost everyone who knows us, says we behave like twins.
We think like each other, we look alike too. The owner of these eyes owns half of my heart too.
Our features are a little different but the eyes are very similar. They are beautiful and they are true.
They cry when they see my tears. They smile when there is a twinkle in my eyes. The good in me reflects in them, the bad is absorbed. These eyes show me love, and they show me care, they show me that even when no one is around they are always going to be there!
These eyes see my dreams with me. They believe in them coming true.
She isn’t my twin or even my sister, but she is someone who makes my life whole.
Thank God for best friends, Thank God for you Poo!